Our Approach

Mirador Wealth’s financial experts will custom-design your wealth management plan by focussing on the following.

Sydney Australia Compass, Mirador Wealth Management, best financial advisors,financial adviser sydney,financial advisors sydney


 (60-90 minutes)

Our first meeting together is really a conversation. Where are you today, and where do you want to be in the future? This may involve putting your goals down and ideas of what you want ahead.

Fact Find

(60-90 minutes, 1 to 2 weeks later)

Once we have a good idea of if and how we can help, our next meeting is a much deeper dive in to how we’re going to get you ahead and closer to achieving your goals. This will involve understanding how far away we are, and what we need to do.

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Sydney, Sydney Australia, Sydney Financial Planners, Sydney Financial Advisors, Sydney Financial Advisers


(60-90 minutes, 2-3 weeks later)

Over the fortnight thereafter, we will then complete our research and develop a roadmap and a plan ahead for us. We will tailor advice specifically to your needs and put our advice in writing to you (this typically takes our team 15-30 hours) and present to you.


(60-90 minutes)

Implementing our recommendations will vary depending on the level and type of advice. We will act as your project manager to ensure that all of the pieces of the jigsaw are completed. Most of this work can be completed by us, and we will only involve you when necessary (to save you time).

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Mirador, best financial advisors,financial adviser sydney,financial advisors sydney

Confirming Actions

(60-90 minutes, 2-3 weeks later)

After everything is completed and we have implemented all of the recommendations, we will ensure that you understand the actions made, via phone, email or in person.


(60-90 minutes)

As you and your own situation develops and evolves over time, so too must the strategies that form your plan. We partner with you over the years ahead to ensure that you reach the goals you’ve set for yourself.

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(02) 8014 5889

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